On the 25th March 2020 the ASX announced it is re-planning the CHESS replacement implementation timetable due to the uncertainty created by the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic, response to user feedback on timing, requested functionality changes, and the need for the ASX to complete aspects of its own readiness.
The ASX will seek user input in June 2020 on a new schedule that will move the go-live date beyond April 2021.
Whilst there is delay in the timeline, the SecuritEase project team remains fully focused and we continue to be an engaged and proactive vendor in the ongoing market-wide efforts to develop to the CHESS replacement system.
Release 6 was delivered by the ASX slightly later than anticipated, however SecuritEase has managed to stay on track. The ASX has pushed out almost all functions that were originally coming in Release 7 to a new Release 8. The timeline for Release 8 is unknown, however the technical documentation has been made available to keep us moving forward.
Release 7 (CDE7) is due late May where we intend to complete tests of Batch Settlement (Settlement Failure Levy Overview), Account Management (Locking and Unlocking, Cancellation and HIN Matching).
It was of course inevitable that the timeline was delayed due to Covid-19, and whilst the current uncertainty on the new timeline is frustrating for all, we continue to work with each of our participants to stay aligned.